Follow along with the true crime tale of Leroy Evans, a man falsely imprisoned for over 37 years for a horrific crime he did not commit. Now, listen as Leroy goes through his final appeal, with new DNA and new confessions that finally bring Leroy’s innocence to light.
Leroy Evans’ story continues as his accuser, Anthony Jones, gives a new sworn statement about the murder. Jones’ new statement explains the gaps in the evidence, the scene of the murder, and the truth of Leroy’s involvement.
In the third episode of “A Story of Innocence” we hear from Leroy himself, as well as Leroy’s mother, Alice. We also continue to examine the evidence, specifically conflicting testimony that was used to wrongfully convict Leroy Evans in 1980.
In the fourth episode of the podcast, we review the evidence and recap the case thus far. Specifically, we focus on the evidence presented at Leroy’s trial, as well as the evidence that was hidden from the defense for over 30 years.